Adults with intellectual disability experience high rates of potentially preventable lifestyle related illnesses; yet remain poorly engaged in healthy lifestyle interventions. We aimed to improve the quality of physical activity and nutrition related care available to adults with intellectual disability. To do this we:
Identified and analysed the impact of previous healthy lifestyle interventions for people with intellectual disability.
Identified barriers and enablers of healthy lifestyle change for adults with intellectual disability by analysing relevant literature and conducting focus groups with people with intellectual disability, carers and services managers.
Developed on-line learning modules for allied health professionals to better equip them to tailor physical activity and nutrition interventions to the needs of this population.
Developed an evidence based physical activity and nutrition program for adults with intellectual disability.
Conducted a feasibility trial of the program with adults with mild to moderate intellectual disability.
In the future we hope to attract funding to conduct a sufficiently powered clinical efficacy trial of the refined program.
Project Members
3DN project team- Dr Carmela Salomon, Prof Julian Trollor, Dr Liz Evans, Ms Jessica Bellamy, Ms Renae Reid, Ms Michelle Hsu
Project Steering Committee Members- Jackie Curtis, Andrew Watkins, Simon Rosenbaum, Katherine Samaras, Philip B. Ward, Scott Teasdale, Chris Tzarimas